Part 29: Basstard
Update #6: Basstard
Overview: Finally, a boss worth talking about in exclusivity. OSS buffed Bass' HP to 1,500, which is no small-change in Battle Network 1 (with nerfed folder possibilities). Bass' ability to deploy nigh-undodgeable attacks means you'll have to choose your chips well. Your chip-order is probably more important than what you actually bring.
Bass will move about 3 times and shoots an AirBurst down a single row. His next move will go into the back column and do 1 of 3 moves: blue, red and yellow AirBurst. When he does, his Aura is dropped. If you have a move that deals 200+ damage, interrupt him NOW. If he performs a blue charge, don't use Barriers, this move will pierce it. Otherwise, you have pretty much open reign. If it's red, Bass is still open for very long, but you'll want a defense. If it's yellow, Bass is the least open and just worry about defending through it. This is better shown than read, so check the video.
Top Tier

High-Average Tier

Suck Tier

Avengers EndGame Spoiler Assholes Tier

*Disclaimer: the Thunder piercing the Aura in the video is due to the LifeVirusSP cheat I still had on. Ignore my idiocy. Or laugh. Your pick.